Monday, November 29, 2010

My Auburn Marching Band Obsession

Before I even came to Auburn, I had a slight love affair with marching bands. Since being at Auburn, it has become my obsession. 
The band comes on the field during the pre-game, and I get beyond excited every time. They have an insane pump up video and their pre-game performance leaves me speechless. To sum up my obsession:  I want them to perform at my wedding...

This is my face when the band takes the field...

The "Drum Major" is the head of the marching band. Three of them walk out of the tunnel onto the field while the band video is playing on the jumbo-tron, spinning their septors. When the video stops, the Drum majors start to spin their septors faster. Suddenly they freeze, and throw them into the field. 
It is my favorite part of the entire game. The stadium goes nuts, and I cry. 

 And then he does the classic Drum major scissor run. 

So, one can image how my life changed when my Mom and I were at the Tiger Walk, and who ran by? The drum major.  

Some Saturday Highlights

Some pictures from my favorite games this fall! 

Auburn vs. Georgia

This was from Homecoming weekend. The PR Department and I planned a Parents Tailgate/brunch before the game in our chapter room. The parents loved it and we had an amazing turnout. Missed you Mom, but I know you were really sick! 

 The "Tiger Walk" is an Auburn tradition. The entire town/university line up to watch our players walk into the stadium.  They players and coaches scream, jump, & yell all the way down the street, high-fiving fans & getting everyone pumped & excited. 
When Mom visited, we got front row! And it was the best moment of my life because... 

 We were that close to Cam Newton, and Mom touched (or physically assaulted) Cam Newton! 

 Cheering at the LSU game 

 My roommates and me at a pep rally 
(Suzie- Cincinnati, Kelsey- DC, Whitney -Jacksonville, Me) 

  Mom and me at Toomer's Corner after we won the LSU game! 

My date and me at the Homecoming game. 

Before a pep rally. Supporting #2, Cam Newton! 

Roommates Kelsey, Whitney, and me in our orange and blue. 

A little insight to the pre-game mayhem! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

My 20th Birthday!

My sorority sisters planned an amazing 20th birthday weekend for me. We celebrated downtown with lots of pink and champagne! 

 They sang happy birthday to me at midnight- and I cried! 
My friends are the best! 

Gamma Phi Socials

Here are photos of some of the socials my department and I planned this semester. We had an amazing social calendar- and a very fun fall! 

 Above is our "Glow with the Flow" social, a rave-themed party. 

This was our "Caddy Shack" themed social. The fraternity boys looked like they had just come off the golf course in 1980. It was hilarious! 

This is a photo from our halloween social. All of the fraternity pledges are forced to dress up in a costume of the older brothers' choice. This pledge was a Speed Bump, and had to lie like that the entire time. 

Halloween Social with my best friends Kristina and Kelsey. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Football Season

My roommates and I before the South Carolina game 

Sorority sisters and I under our Gamma Phi spirit sign 


The traditional toilet-papering of Toomer's Corner for to celebrate our win against South Carolina! 

Family and Football!

Dad and I before the Clemson game! 
Griffins watching Auburn win in the last few seconds! 
The entire family came down to attend the Auburn vs. Clemson game. It was one of the hottest days in the past two decades, but they were good sports! We tailgated and had an amazing time at the game, enjoying the victory! 

Recruitment 2010

Some of us singing our Gamma Phi chants 
Erika, Whitney (roommate), Me, Ashlee on Philanthropy Day 
Me with my two "little sisters" Claire and Marcy 
School started off with an insanely hectic 6 days of sorority recruitment. Thank gosh Mom stayed to help out. We barely got any sleep, but in the end we had 70 amazing new additions to Gamma Phi Beta!