Monday, November 29, 2010

My Auburn Marching Band Obsession

Before I even came to Auburn, I had a slight love affair with marching bands. Since being at Auburn, it has become my obsession. 
The band comes on the field during the pre-game, and I get beyond excited every time. They have an insane pump up video and their pre-game performance leaves me speechless. To sum up my obsession:  I want them to perform at my wedding...

This is my face when the band takes the field...

The "Drum Major" is the head of the marching band. Three of them walk out of the tunnel onto the field while the band video is playing on the jumbo-tron, spinning their septors. When the video stops, the Drum majors start to spin their septors faster. Suddenly they freeze, and throw them into the field. 
It is my favorite part of the entire game. The stadium goes nuts, and I cry. 

 And then he does the classic Drum major scissor run. 

So, one can image how my life changed when my Mom and I were at the Tiger Walk, and who ran by? The drum major.  


  1. I am in the AUMB and I, along with many other AUMB members reading this, appreciate your support so much! It is SO nice to know that there are people like you watching us in Jordan-Hare! Maybe one day we will all get the pleasure of meeting you! :)

  2. I am also in the AUMB and agree with what Brady said! We really do appreciate your support! Auburn fans like you motivate us, and really represent what it means to be a part of the Auburn Family! Please don't be afraid to approach any of us at a game or performance, we would all love to meet you! :) War Eagle!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Third! Seeing that our performances really do have an impact on people is one of the best things about being in an ensemble and helps motivate us to do our best every Saturday. It's fans like you that push us to work so hard, and it shows me why I'm so glad to be a part of the Auburn family!

  5. if you or a photographer took these photos, would you be willing to send me contact info for purchase of one of them. I am specifically looking to purchase the band major scissor kick. Let me know, thanks. My email is
