Monday, November 29, 2010

Some Saturday Highlights

Some pictures from my favorite games this fall! 

Auburn vs. Georgia

This was from Homecoming weekend. The PR Department and I planned a Parents Tailgate/brunch before the game in our chapter room. The parents loved it and we had an amazing turnout. Missed you Mom, but I know you were really sick! 

 The "Tiger Walk" is an Auburn tradition. The entire town/university line up to watch our players walk into the stadium.  They players and coaches scream, jump, & yell all the way down the street, high-fiving fans & getting everyone pumped & excited. 
When Mom visited, we got front row! And it was the best moment of my life because... 

 We were that close to Cam Newton, and Mom touched (or physically assaulted) Cam Newton! 

 Cheering at the LSU game 

 My roommates and me at a pep rally 
(Suzie- Cincinnati, Kelsey- DC, Whitney -Jacksonville, Me) 

  Mom and me at Toomer's Corner after we won the LSU game! 

My date and me at the Homecoming game. 

Before a pep rally. Supporting #2, Cam Newton! 

Roommates Kelsey, Whitney, and me in our orange and blue. 

A little insight to the pre-game mayhem! 

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